Community Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resource Library
Since 2020, our community has come together in extraordinary ways to provide resources, opportunities, and pathways toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in San Diego’s nonprofit organizations. With over 10,000 nonprofits in the region, it’s imperative that we step up our efforts to create a just and inclusive community for all.
Below is a growing list of DEI resources from our community partners, including the Alliance for Regional Solutions, Fieldstone Leadership Network, and North County Philanthropy Council. Impact Cubed partnered with the Alliance for Regional Solutions after these resources were requested during The Hive’s weekly Fundraising Fridays meetings. Please click through the tabs to learn more about each section and its contents. We hope you find these helpful and welcome your additions.
The following resources have been submitted by nonprofit community members and are not endorsed officially by Impact Cubed or Leichtag Foundation. Resources are categorized by topic.
If you’d like to send us more DEI resources or want to be a programmatic partner! Please email our Program Manager, Paige Milgrom-Hills.