Announcing the Israel Emergency Grassroots Response Initiative

Grassroots changemakers of all sectors have become first responders in the face of catastrophe in Israel. As if there was a civilian draft, thousands of volunteers are working tirelessly to rapidly help those in need. Israeli society has come together in a powerful force to help their fellow citizens.

Updates and Recent Webinar Recordings

Two Month Supporter Update

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Those on the ground need flexible rapid response funds to meet changing needs. Leichtag Foundation and Impact Cubed have been working in the field of bottom-up change for over a decade. We know how to immediately provide resources to the most trusted on the frontlines of support.

As we have done in prior crises where we have strong networks and connections to effective changemakers in the field, we have established the Israel Emergency Rapid Response Grassroots Initiative. Please join us at this critical time.

How Funds Are Used

100% of funds raised will go to real-time urgent needs for Israelis who have had their lives torn apart. As needs shift, those working tirelessly to help will be able to address the most urgent demands, and we will keep you up to date on those shifts. Current priorities include:

  • Evacuating families who have been forced to leave their destroyed or threatened homes into safe, reasonable temporary accommodation until government can intervene.
  • Working closely with experienced IDF veterans to get military and civilian protection equipment where it needs to go.
  • Organizing civil guards to augment security services.
  • Providing lifesaving medical equipment and medications.
  • Organizing volunteers to attend the hundreds of funerals taking place, especially for lone soldiers and others who might have no family in the country.
  • Providing food and resources for those mourning loved ones.
  • Massive triage, outreach, logistics support and advocacy.

You can allocate designate your contribution to specific areas of interest or leave it unrestricted for the greatest need. Funds will be sent immediately to trusted partners on the ground to deploy. Those stewarding the dollars and making decisions on the ground will no doubt be the leaders who will carry Israel forward from this terrible low point.

We commit to being highly transparent with regular updates to you from the ground and documentation is available upon request.

Every dollar will enable this network to take their systems to scale and accelerate impact, leveraging their on the ground knowledge to reach the most vulnerable, no matter what it takes.