After a long history of working together to advance coexistence in Jerusalem, Arab and Jewish friends from East and West Jerusalem founded Kulna Yerushalayim in the summer of 2016. Kulna creates and facilitates non-political encounters between Jews and Arabs in Jerusalem through cultural platforms and activities and then deepens these encounters to improve the quality of life in East Jerusalem by influencing municipal stakeholders. The two goals are complementary in promoting a broader strategy for significant social and material change in Jerusalem. Enjoyable interactions between Arabs and Jews are a crucial goal, as encounters in this city – especially productive and positive ones – between those of different backgrounds are rare. Kulna’s cultural events (“Jerusalem Double,” “Simply Sing,” “Goals and Gates”) attract thousands of Jerusalemites, accruing extensive media coverage and enabling Kulna to better connect with Jerusalemites of all sides.
Website: https://kulna.org/en/about-us/